Expositus: Open Knowledge

Better Bibles & Better Readers: A Fundraising Campaign

More Bibles in more languages in more formats exist than ever before, and efforts to accelerate Bible translation and production are growing. Expositus is working to ensure that (1) these Bibles are optimally designed; and (2) Bible readers are getting the most out of them.

Our research tackles these issues, and we are working hard to provide resources for both Bible readers and publishers/agencies toward our goal of ‘Better Bibles & Better Readers’. We need your support to cover year-end expenses and man-hours for research and publication. Our goal is $10,000 for the rest of 2019, and money raised beyond this will help us continue into 2020. 

Donating via our Facebook campaign page (HERE) is convenient and ensures 100% of your donations reaches us, or if you prefer, you may donate by check (payable to ‘Expositus’) and sent to PO Box 71, Gower, MO 64454. Donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support!

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